Friday, October 15, 2010

Belated Updates

A little behind on updating, apologies!

Since I last updated, we've been fairly busy. We took a quick trip to Seattle at the end of September to visit our friends Anton and Catherine. Teddy enjoyed seeing the sights and going to the aquarium, and visiting another friend, Barry, and playing with his young son's toys!

At the Seattle Aquarium

When we got back, he had a rash so I took him to the doctor. We think he's allergic to strawberries, which is a shame, but what exciting is that they weighed him and he'd put on 7oz in two weeks! He's slowly but surely getting into eating more solid foods so we're happy to see him putting on more weight.

What's especially exciting is that he's gaining despite being more active every day. He has perfected his 'scoot' and roams around the house, throwing and retrieving toys, pulling things off the shelves, and chasing the cat. He's also now practicing pulling up on his hands - he does a mean downward facing dog - and climbing on things, like the Wii Fit board. He also loves to stand up and look around when up, though has to be put in the standing position - but once there, he can stay upright while only loosely holding on with one hand. He isn't yet interested in moving his legs while upright, however.

He had his assessment with the state Early Start program this week. We will be getting a full report next week, but he does qualify for services for speech and physical therapy. Apparently much of the therapy will be conducted at our house, and it's all free, so we're pretty excited! I will definitely update with more information when I have it; after getting the report we will be talking and discussing therapy plans with a case worker.

We've also been attending a Gym Kids class, and enjoying it a lot. It's 45 minutes of free play in a large room full of mats, climbing gear, slides, and balls, and then 15 minutes of "circle time" - songs, bubbles, and a parachute. Very fun!

Other than all that, life continues as normal - trips to the park, to the store, and trying to get in the right number of naps! I've had two colds since I last updated, so that's slowed us down a little, and we suffered through two heat waves, but we keep having fun. Next week we are off to Austin, Texas for my cousin's wedding for four days. We can't wait to go explore and see all of my family!

Playing in his baby pool at 5pm in October!!

I think that's here are some photos and a video! It's an old video, actually, from August, that I just found on the camera I had misplaced. Just 20 seconds, but shows Teddy's hilarious reaction to seeing animals. :)

And photos!


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