Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July Happenings

Just wanted to post an update before we leave on our Great Canadian Tour. We leave on Thursday for a wedding in Halifax, then on to Ottawa and Brampton to visit our families. We're really looking forward to it, and I'm sure I'll have lots of stories and photos to post when we get back!

July has been a fun month so far. We had a great visit with Grandma Carole and Granddad Bill. Billy and I got some extra sleep and Teddy really enjoyed spending time with them. As he sees them more he gets much less shy and he loved the extra attention!

Sitting with Grandma Carole!

Teddy has been developing really quickly over the last few weeks. He finally learned how to roll from his back to his belly - previously he'd get to his side and then give up when his arm was in the way! He also started holding a toy in each hand and banging them together to produce new and exciting noises (see the end of the post for a video of this!) He can also place small toys into a modified yogurt container with a hole in the lid.

One of the most fun developments had to do with animals. We go often to the Happy Hollow Zoo in San Jose. Last week when we went, Teddy was suddenly very interested in all the animals! He laughed and laughed at them all (even when it was just a lemur taking a bath), and had a wonderful time. It was great to see his excitement, and now leaves us another, easy outing - going to the pet store and giggling at the birds and hamsters, like we did yesterday. :)

He's also becoming much more social. I have a membership at the Y and leave him with the Childwatch while I go work out. He used to either sleep or need to be held the whole time. He still cries when I leave and cries to be picked up when I come back, but the last two visits he has sat and played with toys, the other children, or staff members! I'd been hoping that he would get positive benefits from the Y, and it seems like it is starting to happen.

Our happy boy!

He's still teething, working on one on each side up top, and it's definitely not going so well for him - poor guy. We suffered through almost two weeks of tummy upset that was possibly related. But he's cheerful most of the day and generally a very happy baby. We hope this continues during our travels!

As always, here's a video and photos! Next update will be after we come home!


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