September 2009 round-up
We're almost at the end of September, and Theodore is 3 weeks old today! At his pediatrician check-up on Friday, he weighed in at 2810 grams, or 6 lbs, 3 oz! We were thrilled, as that was an almost 400 gram gain in eight days, after a lot of loss and a slow start to gaining previously. He's turning into a great eater and even starting to demand feedings rather than needing to be scheduled. Billy and I are obviously thrilled (if more than a little tired since he's decided night time is definitely not sleeping time)! He's also developing a real little personality of his own, pulling lots of cute faces and spending lots of time wide-eyed and taking in the world around him.
We've had a lot of fun visitors over the last few weeks, with many people coming a long way to see Teddy, from Grandma Carole, Granddad Bill, and Auntie Suzie coming up from Brampton and Toronto, to Uncle Michael visiting from Waterloo and Auntie Catherine visiting from Vancouver! We've gone on a few outings to Grammy Eileen's house as well, and then last week took a trip to Brampton so that I could attend my call to the Bar ceremony to become a licensed lawyer. We went down on Tuesday and stayed for two nights, and Teddy also got to meet Auntie Debbie, Uncle Ryan, and his cousins Austin and Alexandra.
Billy is home from work for one more week, and then I'll be staying home alone with Teddy full-time for a while. Should be interesting! Billy had four weeks of paternity leave, which was just terrific - very needed and appreciated. I've recovered pretty well from childbirth but after the 14 weeks I spent on bed rest and Teddy not letting us sleep much, I still get very tired very easily.
I've posted an album of photos of Teddy from September. Click on the slideshow below to see all the pictures:
Beautiful videos, Billy.
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